Get the Most Out of Your Live Lessons

Here are a few quick tips to get the most out of your Live Lessons. Our Live Lessons offer expert group coaching, you’ll get answers to your most pressing questions and advice to help you along your music journey.

We recommend you attend the calls even if you don’t have a question, or even if you’re still formulating a question. There is a ton of value and new insight on every lesson. The lessons are hosted using the Google Meet video conferencing platform and you’ll need the access link in order to view the lesson. You can find the access link in the Events section on the online community and/or check your email for future dates.

Weekly Live Lesson - Every Thursday 8 PM ET

You'll have an opportunity to ask all the questions you have about the topics discussed in the course, or if you need a bit of motivation. Get the latest community updates, get feedback and more.

The time listed for all Live Lessons are in Pacific Time (so be careful with the times). If you need help locating your time zone, you can use this time zone calculator.

What to do in advance of the call

  1. Be ready with your computer, app, or call in numbers.
  2. If you haven't used Zoom before (or it's been a while) log in 10 minutes early to make sure the application works on your computer.
  3. Log in 5 minutes before the call actually starts as we often have exciting announcements and updates at the beginning of the call that you won't want to miss.
  4. If you have a question(s), please review previous episodes, as your question may already be answered there.
  5. If you still have a question, have it ready to go in advance of the call. Take a moment to write your question down. Have a notebook and pen available to jot down notes, but remember, the call will be recorded for later viewing.
  6. Minimize distractions. Turn off your phone, close your door. And whether you intend to ask a question or not, listen carefully as you can often get clarification or valuable tips from the others on the call.

How to ask a question

  1. If you’re feeling shy, that’s o.k.! Just remember that these calls are for you, and if you have a question then it's likely that others do as well, so don’t hold back.
  2. We do our best to get through all the questions, but if for some reason you have a question but aren’t called upon, just remember there will be more coaching calls. You can also post your question in the community or in the discussion section of each lesson in the portal.

After the call

  1. Visit the coaching call Replays page (it may take us up to a week, but the recording and worksheets will be available there).
  2. Stay tuned for your next call, and stay tuned for unannounced “bonus” calls.
  3. Join the conversation. Stay active in the online community, and the comments section of the 4Jibaro portal. We have an amazing community and we are here to support you

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